The diving centers of the Costa Brava are already in full operation
The summer season is off to a good start, accompanied by a growing influx of visitors.

We are not going to add anything to all the qualifiers that describe last year, we already know of the enormous complications, economic and personal losses that COVID19 has caused.
But we want to look forward and get excited about this season, that of recovery, that of reuniting with friends and family and enjoying the summer. With caution, no doubt, and with the appropriate measures, but above all with joy.
Every day we adapt our protocols to the necessary changes to guarantee your safety, so you don't have to worry about anything.
All our dive centers are now fully operational, we are waiting for you, as are the groupers, salps, conger eels, octopuses, sea bream, lobsters and even some sunfish ... just at first glance they do not seem very expressive, but we have spoken with them and you we assure you: they are also waiting for you!